Saturday, December 14, 2013

turkeys and kitties

The first snow storm of the year has come. For once, Kb was thankful that he works second shift. He had plenty of time to shovel the driveway. I, being a lovely wife, cooked up a pot of hot soup and imagined him coming inside from shoveling, grateful to sit at the table and enjoy what I'd prepared. It's straight out of a Campbell's commercial, people.

Only it's not. The soup wasn't quite ready, and he did not take time for lunch, anyways. Oh well. I enjoyed it, and it will make a good lunch tomorrow. This was my first attempt at chicken dumpling soup, and I used part of this recipe and this recipe.  I love that this soup has corn in it. Corn makes almost anything better. Instead of chicken, I used leftover turkey, and I left out the celery and onion (ew).  

While a bowl of soup is one way to warm up, when I was young, I once resorted to a different method. It was the first big snow of 1995ish. I didn't have many friends so I hauled my sled and my calico kitten to the small hill out in the pasture. My kitty and I went up and down the hill a few times, and I started to realize that something was wrong. Kitty was not moving much. I thought she was too cold so I built her a snow igloo. That did not appear to help, and I started to get worried. I ran inside the house with kitty. No cats were ever allowed in the house, but my parents were not home, and this was certainly an emergency. I knew that kitty needed to warm up so, naturally, I wrapped kitty in a dish towel, put her on a cookie sheet, and into the oven she went. Yes, the oven. Now, I thought this through. I did not make the oven too hot and I kept the oven door open a little so I could peak in and see kitty.

Interestingly, I don't remember much after that. But I know that kitty survived her first winter.

Today's lesson:
Make soup.
Don't put kittens in the oven.
Unless it's an emergency.

(No kitties were harmed in the making of this post. Turkeys on the other hand... ) 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know that I have ever heard the kitty in the oven story! :)


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