Sunday, May 26, 2013

Summer Adventure List 2013

No sense sleeping in this morning. The Amish neighbors around the corner are hosting church and the dogs must certainly bark at each buggy and bike that dare to traverse our stretch of road. In lieu of sleep, I'll dream of summer fun.

Summer took a step back this week. She threatened frost and raised the anxiety levels of every farmer in the area. But I'm confident she'll bounce back. I've got big ideas for the summer. In between horse shows that fill every weekend through August and graduate classes that begin in July, summer needs to have a drop of adventure and a dash of adrenaline.

I am quite slow to catch on to trends, but I've noticed here and there that paddleboarding is the new thing. I've got to try it, and the Lake House at Winona Lake offers paddleboard rentals. It's a tad expensive so I'll save up some fun money, but I think it will be worth it. I also plan on studying tips and techniques prior to renting the paddleboard so I can get the most out of the rental time.

The South Bend East Race offers white water rafting. Please stifle the laughter; Northern Indiana is not exactly a mecca for outdoor adventures, but we do what we can. A short, man-made stretch of rushing water is entertaining around here. I have never experienced white water rafting of any kind, but I hope to this summer. I'll think of it as preparation for future adventures in, say, Colorado.

One thing that Northern Indiana can boast is the dunes. On the shores of Lake Michigan, the dunes are giant hills of sand, formed by glaciers lots of years ago. The dunes are a perfect tool for soccer coaches to use to physically exhaust, and all but kill, their players.  As a result, the dunes used to invoke much dread within me. But I think I'm over that, and I'm ready to enjoy the beach, hiking trails, and nature that the dunes offers.

While growing up, I raced around the Deep River Waterpark almost every summer. From the stomach-in-throat feeling of the speed slides to the utter relaxation of the lazy river, I absolutely love it. It may be beyond our budget this year, but I'm hoping we can make it happen.

It's not a long list, but it's a good one. And I reckon it's going to be a great summer.

1 comment:

  1. All those things sound like so much fun! Can't wait to go see a baseball game with you & KB!


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