Monday, March 18, 2013

Broccoli Wins

This year, my mission is to eat more vegetables. It's true. Time to grow up and eat my veggies.

Admittedly, I'm a picky eater. I figure that I have a limited number of calories that I can consume each day; why waste calories on foods that I don't love?

I'm currently trying to silence that little line of reasoning.

We're starting small with chopped up broccoli hidden within a main dish.

This one was pretty good. But I still got that feeling that I'd rather just be eating a bowl full of noodles.

When I announced we would be having this for dinner, Kb was disappointed to say the least. But when they popped out of the oven, we ate them up. They tasted a little quiche-y, and I hardly noticed the broccoli. Honest.

Kb declared that when I make these again, I should include bacon. Did you catch that? They're a make again. :)

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