Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today, we planned our summer horse show tour. It's creeping up on us, and I'm excited for all things summer. However, it's currently snowing outside and it remains blustery cold.

You know how I feel about this.

But it is what it is, and I'm over complaining. The extended winter has encouraged much soup eating and book reading. I cooked up a pot of potato-corn-ham chowder. It's my favorite cold weather soup. I wasn't planning on making it again this winter, but mother nature has afforded me the opportunity.

Guess who we're rooting for in the tournament? Oregon is not well known for their basketball team, but they're making a bit of a run and Kb is all sorts of excited.

This weekend, I finished reading Covenant Child by Terri Blackstock. It is a gripping story about twin girls who are heirs to a fortune. After both of their parents died, their stepmom lost custody but remained committed to the girls from a distance. The twins were led astray and hated their stepmother, but she was there for them whenever they needed her. She never lost hope that the girls would make the decision to come back to her, and she never expressed disappointment in the girls for the poor choices they made.

I was so drawn into the story that it was not until the end that I realized it wasn't about the stepmom's commitment to the girls. It was about God. The devotion, love, and grace that she portrays mirrors Christ. The allegory is deep, and I've been mulling over it quite a bit.

It is a Christian fiction book. However, religion is not discussed in the book and it is not "preachy" in any way. Yet, it is the woman at the well, the prodigal son, and the good samaritan rolled into a beautiful message of covenant.

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