Tonight, I debuted two recipes from Pinterest. Bam. I arrived a little late to the Pinterest party. I tend to hold out on popular trends in silent rebellion. But now I'm here with my boards, pinning away.
Anyways, first up: baked chicken nuggets. They were good. Not super fantastic in my opinion. But good. Kb classified them as a "make again." In fact, he gave them very high praise, equating these healthy nuggets to Applebee's chicken tenders! I'll take it!
And then there is the broccoli. My relationship with broccoli is rocky. One Sunday lunch years ago, I refused to eat my broccoli. My mom forbid me from leaving the table until I took one bite. One bite! This stubborn kid sat at the table for so long in protest that this stubborn kid fell asleep. I woke up in the late afternoon to find my plate still sitting in front of me, full of broccoli. At that point, I caved. I chased down an itty bitty bite with a glass of milk.
Now that I'm a big, bad adult, I need to get over this vegetable issue. The last time I took a chance on broccoli, I stuffed it in the blender and let it go. I thought that I could blend it to smithereens, put it in cheese soup, and none of my taste buds would be the wiser! It was a great plan until the blender started smoking. Turns out frozen broccoli doesn't blend very well.
This attempt was bound to be an improvement. And it was. Kb gave it a solid "good." And me? Well, I ate it, which is saying something, for real
Allison, you make me laugh! I love how these posts are full of your personality!