Sunday, August 5, 2012

One Year, Almost

Kb and I have almost made it one year. It's gone quickly, of course. I don't remember much of the advice that was given to us for our first year of marriage, but, dare I say it, it hasn't been as difficult as what some people make it out to be. This is where I'd knock on wood if I thought it would make a difference. I think it helps that neither of us are fighters. We definitely have disagreements. I'm stubborn and sometimes, I just want to let my aggravation percolate for awhile. But sooner or later, mostly sooner, we talk it out and move on.

We've learned a thing or two about each other and about being married. Well, strike that. I just asked Kb what he has learned about me in the year that we've been married as he is sitting in the La-Z-Boy watching women in bikinis play volleyball. His response, "Um. Well. Nothing. I already knew everything about you."

I guess I failed in the "being mysterious" category!

Anyways, one thing that I am currently trying to learn is communicating with grace. Or rather, nagging with grace?  I really, really don't want to be one of those nagging wives. But sometimes things need to be done and he doesn't quite seem to notice! Mowing the yard is the focus of the latest debacle. A couple of weeks ago, I was gone for the day, and I called Kb as he was driving home from work. I said something like "maybe you could mow the lawn." By the time I got home, he had cleaned the whole house and done the dishes. I confronted him about it, and he said that he didn't mow the yard because I had asked him to. Ooo apparently, I'm not the only stubborn one. So the next week, I said nothing about it until I dropped a subtle hint that I'd like the yard to be mowed because we had company coming the next day. Well, Kb has gotten a lot better at grasping my subtlety but not this time. It wasn't until after dinner that I decided to try the honest approach and say that I was frustrated that the yard wasn't mowed. He gave me a look of greater frustration and walked outside. I felt bad because mowing our yard is a 2-3 hour chore so I went out and helped.

So I'm still learning how to communicate without nagging. 

We celebrated a little yesterday because we have other activities next weekend. We strolled along Winona Lake and then went to see a movie. Going to the movies is a big, fat deal for us. This was only the second time in the three years we've been a couple. Kb really wanted to see the new Batman movie. We finished off the night by sharing an entree, a mudslide, and a basket of chips at Hacienda. It was pretty grand but not without its hiccups.

We're a work in progress, you see.

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