Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pasta and Meatballs

I got home really late again tonight. I've got to soak up the summer while it's here! But on my drive home, I was dreading cooking dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs was on the menu, and I was starving, but I knew it would be after nine til I'd be enjoying it. I thought Kb was mowing the yard/weeds so he would be hungry, too. Blast our need to eat food. I went ahead and had myself a pity party for one right there in the car.

When I got home, Kb was aiming the .22 at a groundhog. It's his new favorite hobby. I went inside to start dinner, and there on the counter were two pans of meatballs covered with foil. The noodles and sauce were ready to go as well. It's a simple thing, but it was also the perfect thing. What a guy.

Kb was adamant that I can not state that we will be having spaghetti and meatballs when we do not have true spaghetti noodles. All I had in the cupboard were penne noodles. Hey, in my opinion, a noodle is a noodle. Now I know that if the spaghetti and meatballs does not contain true spaghetti, it must be called pasta and meatballs.

My man is less experienced at cooking than I am, which is saying very little. But anyhow, the recipe that Kb was using for the meatballs called for seasoned bread crumbs. Apparently, he didn't know what the bread crumbs looked like, and he thought that we didn't have any. So what does he use instead of bread crumbs? He finds some old garlic croutons in the back of the cupboard and crushes them up. Resourceful? I think so!

And we finished it off with strawberry, blueberry smoothies. Now that is good stuff!

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