Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Clyde's Head Shaking

In an attempt to elicit advice, I uploaded my very first YouTube video. It can't hurt to post it here, either. Bear with me; I'm desperate.

Last year, the vet diagnosed him with EPM. He was treated, and the head shaking went away, but it has resurfaced this summer. He has had no noticeable change in his gait or ataxia in his hindquarters, which makes me seriously doubt that it is EPM. I've studied "head shaking syndrome," but Clyde does not display this behavior all of the time, which makes me doubt that it is head shaking syndrome. However, when I ride Clyde when he is shaking his head, Clyde has difficulty focusing and being attentive to my cues. This is consistent with "head shaking syndrome."

For awhile, we thought it was brought on by stress or the heat, but he hasn't shown this behavior at any shows this year, and he only sometimes shakes it on really hot days. This video was taken on June 23. He is ready for a show; that is why he is wearing the sleazy. The sleazy has no affect.

Question your horsey neighbors and interrogate your cowboy friends: have you had any experience with anything like this?

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