Sunday, August 18, 2013

In case you're worried about the church

We are in transition around here. Summer is sadly fading, and fall semester will begin next week. Kb's employment was in limbo there for a little while, but last week, he started working a social work type job with adolescent boys. Clearly, we are not dreaming of tropical vacations and shiny cars. It's meaningful work, though, right?

His new job is also second shift. So the boys and I have ample bonding time. Kb and I, on the other hand, will need to boost our communication and find creative ways to soak up time together.

I am thankful that Kb and I can still go to church together. This morning, while sitting in the balcony pew, a fear surfaced within me and was squashed in one fell swoop.

It's something that I do not think about much, but now and then, I'll hear a news story or see a headline and get a nervous streak.

It seems as though Christianity is becoming increasingly unpopular. I don't get into all of the political banter, but casual observation proves that governments are assuming more and more control.

I fear that one day Christianity will be eradicated and the Church will be abolished.

How this coincides with the Lord returning is thankfully beyond my scope; however, as that time nears, I expect that I will not be popular or comfortable. I expect that I will suffer.

While that may be true, I need not fear that the Church will cease to exist.

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.   Matthew 16:18 

Red letters? Yep, that is Jesus talking. And this Church, this community that gathers all over the world, is His. And no overpowering government, no charismatic individual, and no force of Satan will overcome it. 

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