Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fall Blues

Life has been a little blah lately. I've got this bug that I just can't shake. It has frequently confined me to the couch after work. A couple of rounds of antibiotics helped, but this little sickness is pesky.

 Work is strangely and curiously slow. It's kind of nice to have a bit of a break. But, dare I get too comfortable, this trend can and will flip any day now.

There's one more horse show left. Next weekend, we're going to the Mizpah Shrine Horse Show. It's not one that we've been to before, but it seems like a good way to end the show season. 

The biggest basis for my blahs? Summer has come to a close. I hate to admit it. But I suppose it's inevitable; the seasons will change whether I'm on board or not. Summer is simply wonderful. I love everything about it, except that it ends. The whole idea of fall beginning and winter coming just makes my whiny. Can you tell?

This year, I will find positive aspects of fall. And I will inform you of them once a week. Or once a month. I don't know. I'm not ready to commit. But I will. Promise.


  1. I love your sunset pictures. They are gorgeous!

    Also you could always move south. It is not fall here yet. :)

    PS Get better!

  2. They are all of the same sunset, minutes apart. Can you tell?

    Oh someday, girl. Someday.


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