Thursday, August 9, 2012

Barnyard Finds

The big barn is quite formidable. And spooky.

I don't venture inside much. Despite my curious nature, I have yet to explore the recesses, beyond Eugene's food dish. But tonight, I gathered my courage, and I discovered a veritable trove of country-chic treasures.  Or is it rustic? Vintage? Whatever you want to call it, here are a few pieces that got my imagination going. 

Worn wood. Chipped paint. Ragged edges. I like it.

A frame for a picture or maybe something else...

 This one comes complete with glass! I'm thinking a verse/saying painted in white upon the glass.

Such a cool, old board. And the red, chippy paint! I'm thinking photos papier-mached down the middle.

Pretty sure I need more wall space!

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