Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Slim Pickins

There are a few activities that no summer is complete without. Blueberry picking is one of them.  With Indiana turning into a certified desert this summer, the pickins are slim at the blueberry marsh. This year's picking season is early and short. I'm glad we grabbed our buckets and our baler twine and headed out when we did.

 We managed to find a few quarter-sized diamonds in the rough and enough blueberries for a winter's worth of smoothies.

A note about the blueberry marsh: the rows are not sound-proof. Whilst picking away, you are privy to the conversations that are occurring all around you.

One mother chided her young children repeatedly for their bad behavior and threatened them with having to run additional laps when they got home. Interesting discipline technique. Later, the kids were comparing how many laps they had been assigned.

Another mother was grilling her teenage daughter about the scandalous activities that she had engaged in the previous evening. Yikes.

Look out for, Overheard in the Blueberry Marsh, my next fascinating study in family dynamics, in academic journals near you.

1 comment:

  1. You are making my mouth water for blueberries. Sounds like you had a great time picking them.

    Can't wait to read Overhear in the Blueberry Marsh! ;)


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