Saturday, May 26, 2012

Easy Like Saturday Morning

It's been awhile since I've had a Saturday morning free of activities and planned events. Sure, this afternoon there's a wedding and this evening there's a horse show to prepare for, but this morning, I'm free.

I woke up to a country breeze flowing through the windows. I love how it makes the house smell fresh and alive. I went outside to soak in it and to try to sneak a peak at the nest that's tucked in the monstrous bush outside the living room window. I've been watching the momma bird come, usually with some unidentifiable object in her beak, and go from the nest for weeks. But this morning, when I got out the ladder and positioned it in front of the bush, I knew the momma was watching because I started to hear an incessant squawking from the tree behind me. I retreated, scurrying down the ladder. Earlier this week, I was nearly the victim of a dive bombing momma bird while visiting a friend in Fort Wayne. It was not going to happen again!

Momma birds 2, Curious observer 0

So I settled for the window view. And momma bird came to mock me.

I have graciously conceded, and I've nestled into the couch where I may very well spend the rest of my easy Saturday morning, accompanied by some Cheerios and a few episodes of Scandal, my recent guilty pleasure. Clearly, there's not enough drama in my real life, and I need to supplement it with ostentatious tv shows and territorial birds.

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