Right now, the house is a mess. Seriously. Don't come over. Kb brought boxes home from his parent's house. Lots and lots of boxes. And I hear there's still more. It's a bit trying for me, all this clutter. It's in boxes and strewn about the floor in rather unorganized piles. In addition, a musky scent that lingers in the air has accompanied the boxes. I'm feeling claustrophobic. Pretty sure the walls are closing in.
This is a temporary state. (This mantra has served as a coping mechanism...as I sit perched on the couch, gnawing on my nails.) At the end of the month, we'll contribute our stash to the family garage sale. I've never been a part of a garage sale, but I like to get rid of
things and we need money so it ought to be a win-win. But first, I've
got to get through this stage. I've got to watch as Kb filters through
box after box after box and creates a big mess.
Meanwhile, stuff covers the living room floor and has spilled into the office.
And the grass is tall. Our mower broke; the thing just wouldn't start. My dad is working on it, and I've heard it's an easy fix so we'll get the mower back soon. In the meantime, the yard is turning into a hay field.
All this disarray makes my skin crawl. Even worse, I have the day off of work, and I can do nothing about the chaos.
In an attempt to ward off the hives, I set out to trim bushes. I detest the monstrous bushes that overtake the front of our house. These bushes are taller than I am and just as unruly. My preference would be to pull them out, but that would require heavy machinery. So I have settled for trimming them. After an hour or so, I called it quits. I think I need a chain saw.
I did find these little gems while I was standing on the top rung of the ladder.
Perhaps I could warm up to the monster bushes if they contain precious sights such as this. Perhaps.
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