I have never claimed to be a good cook. Growing up, my mom provided my family with awesome meals, and it wasn't until college that I was responsible for my own sustenance. That went pretty well; I didn't waste away by any means. I could always squeak by on noodles or chips and salsa.
But now that I'm married, cooking takes on a lot more significance. It hits you when you get home from the honeymoon. There needs to be food on the table every night. And it must be edible. And it must have some nutritional value. And it must contain meat!
I don't mean to complain at all. I enjoy cooking. It's just not my greatest strength. Luckily, I have a man that is not a picky eater. He will eat almost anything (believe me, this truth has been tested). He is also very grateful for the food I make him, reserving judgment and allowing me to learn.
Although, the other day he mentioned that he is excited for the future of my cooking.
I'm not really sure how to take that.
Anywho, his latest favorite is a rather simple dish. Seriously, he's asked for it at least twice a week for awhile: roasted potatoes, fish sticks (I never had fish sticks growing up, but it puts a little variety in our typical chicken, hamburger, pork rotation), plus some green beans for good measure. Oh and a healthy dose of ranch :)
Here's to learning new skills and having a gracious husband.
I am totally with you on this! My cooking is definitely improving. I should probably send you some of our favorite recipes. Also it has been fun for Gary and I to cook together. Then we can both learn. :)