Since the beginning of the year, Kb has been kept very busy with the reserve police officer's academy. He became a reserve officer to gain new experiences and open himself up to more job opportunities. Most of all, he wants to get out of the factory rut. I admire his courage.
The academy occupies his time a few evenings a week and on weekends. His duties for the town occupy more weekend time. And here I sit, on the couch.
My life slows down significantly in the winter. I ride the horses here and there, but not much can be done when the ground is frozen and rough. My responsibilities are few. I have no dependents, except the dogs, and they don't require much.
The house is clean (enough), and the laundry is done. I'm caught up on my favorite tv shows. An adventure would be fantastic right now. Remember this? Little headway has been made toward that goal. Frankly, I've realized that it's not very economical for me to drive that far for a short hike.
All this to say, I feel the dreaded B-word closing in. You know, that word that you would say to your mom or your babysitter, and when you did, you found yourself sweeping the stairs or cleaning out the rotten canned food in the cellar. Or was that just me?
That's right, I'm feeling a little bored.
Is it wrong that I feel so guilty saying it? I know it will not last for much longer, and I have big plans for next winter if everything comes through....
But today, in leiu of an adventure, I rifled through the Goodwill bag and made these t-shirt bracelets.
Instructions are here. If I'm honest, I also referenced this video. It hearkened me back to 4th grade art class with Mrs. Ziebart. Good stuff. The white/purple one is made from an old flannel shirt. The flannel doesn't work near as well as the cotton. It frays a bit and does not have as much give.
Twenty-four more days until spring!
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