Thursday, February 28, 2013

Diggin Up Bones

These mutts are so fun. And they drive me crazy.

In all of his ten and a half years, Bo never cared for bones. He would chew up and destroy most everything else, but rawhide would go untouched.

Currently, Spur gets tied up during the day so I've been giving him a bone now and then to occupy himself.  Then, when we're home and he gets to run loose, he takes his half-chewed bones and puts them in Bo's face. All of a sudden, Bo has become a huge fan of bones. Or rather, he's become a fan of taking the bones away from Spur. And hiding them. Underneath a pile of dirt.

Bo has never been a digger. Nonetheless, his debut has been pretty impressive.

It took me a few days too many to realize what was going on. Now there are holes all around the yard.  Please don't tell the landlord.

Clearly, Spur is undeterred. But it appears as though Bo is at least remorseful. Or maybe he's just sad that I took away the bones.

I'm certain this is only the beginning of their antics.

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