Friday, January 18, 2013

Take A Day

Today, I took a day off. This isn't something that I do. I never skipped school or class; I always showed up. But today, I thought I'd give it whirl because this week, I have felt myself caring too much.

It's strange to think that is a problem.

Perhaps, it's more like I care too much about what I can do in my own power. It's my feeble yet driven attempts to control uncontrollable situations. Like, when I sat down for a meeting with a motivated dad and his supporters to hammer out a plan, only to have an officer knock on the door, put him in handcuffs, and take him away.  Or when I handed-off a case to another case manager, and I see my hard work start to unravel.

Sometimes, I have to let go. I can't care so much anymore.

So I stayed in my fuzzy, striped pj pants all the live long day. I spent some quality time with Richard Gere. I got a little crafty.

I made a new kind of cookies.

Some were perfectly baked graham cracker, marshmallow cookie bliss.

Others, well, weren't quite so perfect. Isn't that just how it is?

No worries. We are equal opportunity eaters around here.

Next week, I'll start again.  I'll work hard and do the best that I can. I'll celebrate victories and give grace through defeats. But I'll withhold expectations and not hold on quite as tightly.

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